Boost Your Search Rank


You've got a secret weapon to boost your rank hiding in plain sight: your blog.

No amount of onsite optimization, or even backlinks can match what a blog can do for your website.


Because having a regularly maintained blog means you'll have a steady stream of new content to keep your website fresh, provide new pages to earn backlinks, and show Google you are an authority in your industry.

Creating content is intimidating though. Even if you're a seasoned writer getting to number one on Google, or even in the top 10, is a tall order.

There's a simpler way to structure your posts so they can rank for any target keyword! You can do a SERPs analysis. If it sounds technical hang in there with me, it's easy enough that anyone can do it - SEO novices and pros alike.

What is a SERP analysis?

SERP is one of those acronyms that SEOs thrown around to sound smart, but it's extremely simple to do and highly effective in creating content that can crack the top 10 of Google.

SERP stands for Search Engine Results Page, so a SERP analysis is nothing more than looking at the top results on Google for a term, and seeing what they have in common and how you can outrank them.

How to do a SERP analysis

Pick a keyword that you want to focus on for a blog post or landing page and run a quick Google search for it.

Take note of what gets returned:

  • What ads are bought for the keyword? Which companies are buying them?

  • What type of content is currently ranking? Is it blog posts? Landing pages?

  • Do the pages have videos, pdf downloads, or the ability to listen to audio?

  • How long is the content that is ranking?

  • Who is ranking? Any competitors? Any unexpected websites? Do they overlap with you in other ways (this is a great way to come up with new blog post ideas to match your competitors).

By taking note of what the successful pages are doing to rank, you'll have an idea of what kind of content you need to create in order to rank with them.

Congrats! You've just done a SERP analysis.

Before you write your next blog post, do these 3 things

  1. Choose a keyword for the blog post, this is what your SERP analysis will be based on.

  2. Run a Google Search for the keyword and open the top 10-15 results, open them in new windows or add them to a spreadsheet to review later.

  3. Read those 10 results in depth and see what they are covering but more importantly what they are not. Build out a blueprint for a blog post that matches them for content and adds something new.

In as little as 30 minutes you'll gain a big head start on a blog post and have a solid blueprint to creating a piece of content that can rank.

Are you ready to get blogging, but just don’t know where to start?

Well, we do! Getting started is the most important part, but doing it strategically and effectively will make all your hard work that much more rewarding. Contact us for a free consultation so we can talk through the steps you can take to improve your ranking.

This article is borrowed from our friends at Centori.